  • LCS Foundation

Scholarship Awarded to University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Student

Apr 29, 2021
Adeline Schoenherr Pursues Health Care Administration Career
Adeline Schoenherr UW EC LCS Foundation Scholarship Recipient 2021

The University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire has announced Adeline Schoenherr as a recipient of the LCS Foundation University Scholarship. Schoenherr graduates in 2023 with a double major earning a Bachelor of Business Administration in health care administration and management.

“I want to help improve the lives of the senior population and every day will be different,” says Schoenherr. “I’m looking forward to applying the skills I have learned with my year-long administrative residency to make a difference to others.”

The LCS Foundation supports the education and professional development of students pursuing careers in the field of senior living.

“Developing the next generation of senior living professionals is crucial to meeting the needs as the population of individuals over the age of 65 grows rapidly,” says Ed Kenny, LCS Foundation president.

The LCS Foundation has established a strong partnership with the University of Wisconsin -Eau Claire to support the continued education of students pursuing degrees in the senior living industry. Through the program, university scholarships are awarded annually. Recipients are chosen by the UW-EC Scholarship Selection Committee guided by principles endorsed by the LCS Foundation. Other schools where scholarships are in place include Georgetown University and Northwood University.
